Comment posted on Пошаговое руководство: джейлбрейк iOS 4.0-4.1 на iPhone 3GS или iPhone 4 с помощью Limera1n (Windows) by Raoul Teeuwen.

Did everything as said, get the Limera1njailbreak is done’, but no extra icon. Even after rebooting. Even after doing the whole Limera1n several times. On my 3GS, no luck yet.

Raoul Teeuwen also commented

  • Oh, my only ‘maybe thats what is the problem’ aspect: i’m on a Mac, used VMWare Fusion. But as the whole procedure goes as described, i would expect that is not a problem. But maybe it is ;-) . So maybe i have to wait for a real OSX specific jb.

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