cydia3 199x300 New Cydia Feature: Theme Center cydia2 199x300 New Cydia Feature: Theme Center cydia1png 199x300 New Cydia Feature: Theme Center

Jay Freeman (better known as Saurik) has reported that he added a new feature to Cydia, the jailbreak application store. “Cydia Theme Center” provides easer search of for Retina and non-Retina themes. Right now, you will find a selection of free and paid themes popular in Cydia, as well as themes selected by the employees of MacCiti and ModMyi. Soon Cydia user also will be able to vote their favorites into Theme Center. Freeman has predicted that the feature would be really popular. After release of Theme Center he posted to Twitter: The second feature to use my Whole Package Index, the “Cydia Theme Center”, went up an hour ago, and 15,000 people have already tried it! ;P

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