Pinch Media has shared some data they presented at 360iDev on the state of app piracy on the iPhone, and there are a few key take-aways:
- These analytics show roughly 4 million jailbreak devices, 38% of which are using pirated app(s) (aka cracked apps).
- Piracy is highest in China, Russia, and Brazil, with Europe and Canada being the mid-ground, and the USA, Great Britain, and Japan having the lowest rates.
- Of paid apps that use Pinch Media’s services, 60% have been pirated.
- Of those pirated apps, 34% of all installs are the pirated version.
- Like legitimate app downloads, pirated apps are used a lot at first, but drop off quickly (more quickly than legitimate app usage, in fact).
- Pirated apps on jailbroken iPhones crash more, which may be why they’re used less.
- Those who claim to use pirated apps as a way to “try before they buy” are full of it. While 7.4% of legitimate “Lite” app downloads up-convert to the paid version, only 0.43% of pirated apps lead to purchase of the legitimate paid version.
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via theiphoneblog