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Tag: China

Cydia blocked

Developer Steve Troughton-Smith has tweeted that customers of Three in Ireland and the UK and China Unicom in China woke up today and found that that Cydia on their devices was blocked by the carrier. So, now the jailbroken devices don’t have access to certain content from Cydia when on the Three and China Unicom networks. Though, only main page is unavailable. Moreover, Cydia is blocked over 3G networks that means that the popular store still available via Wi-Fi.

iphonejailbreak 300x197 China Unicom Advertises Jailbreaking and Provides Free Cases with PurchaseAccording to the first-hand information in China, China Unicom is currently advertising services for jailbreaking when you buy the iPhone 4. Quite intriguing, right? Thanks to online services such as, jailbreaking has become much easier and it seems that the Chinese carrier of cell phones can realize this service, turning it into a great marketing scheme.

According M.I.C. Gadget, the advertisement is as follows: “Support Service: Free SIM-trimming, jailbreaking, installing more than ten hot applications.”

However, with jailbreaking, China Unicom also offers free cases for your iPhone 4 with purchase, so buyers will not have to use the Apple’s case program.

piracy 400x300 App Piracy on the iPhone statistics

Pinch Media has shared some data they presented at 360iDev on the state of app piracy on the iPhone, and there are a few key take-aways:

  • These analytics show roughly 4 million jailbreak devices, 38% of which are using pirated app(s) (aka cracked apps).
  • Piracy is highest in China, Russia, and Brazil, with Europe and Canada being the mid-ground, and the USA, Great Britain, and Japan having the lowest rates.
  • Of paid apps that use Pinch Media’s services, 60% have been pirated.
  • Of those pirated apps, 34% of all installs are the pirated version.
  • Like legitimate app downloads, pirated apps are used a lot at first, but drop off quickly (more quickly than legitimate app usage, in fact).
  • Pirated apps on jailbroken iPhones crash more, which may be why they’re used less.
  • Those who claim to use pirated apps as a way to “try before they buy” are full of it. While 7.4% of legitimate “Lite” app downloads up-convert to the paid version, only 0.43% of pirated apps lead to purchase of the legitimate paid version.

You can read the full report for all the details.

via theiphoneblog