
This is a tutorial, that shows step by step how to use installed Java on the IPhone. Just in case you do not have Java installed on your IPhone there is a tutorial how to do it.

What we need is a working jailbraked IPhone with Java Installed. I used latest firmware 1.1.4, unlocked, jailbreaked and customized by winpwn.

Step 1: Create simple Java application, compile and run.

  1. Create file and put simple Java hello-world code there. I used the following code:Create Java hello-world
  2. Upload to IPhone. I used /tmp directory. For uploading I used IPhone Browser.
  3. Run Terminal.
  4. Use command java -fullversion or jamvm -fullversion to see if java is avaliable.
  5. Use command jikes to invoke java compiler.
  6. Go to /tmp directory, using command cd /tmp
  7. Compile. We need to specify classpath to basic java packages. If we do not do that, jikes will produce an error (see screenshot). So use the following command: jikes -cp /usr/lib/rt.jar
  8. After compiling Java4IPhone.class file should appear in the same directory. To run use commandjava Java4IPhone
  9. Take a look at the screenshots. Hopefully you’ll have something similar.

Upload Java application to IPhone

Check Java and Jikes Compile using Jikes Run

Upload Java application to IPhone

Step 2: Have fun!