a5 jail 1 Saurik makes contribution towards iPad 2 and iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak

It looks like iPad 2 and iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak will truly be a team effort. Recently another hacker Saurik joined the team and made “some major contributions” yesterday.

Last week Pod2g announced that Planetbeing, MuscleNerd, and P0sixninja joined his effort to release an untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 (A5 CPU devices).

Today, MuscleNerd noted that the team has received some major contributions from saurik:

props to @saurik for major contributions to the A5 version of @pod2g’s untether yesterday! (still no ETA, but moving forward)

Pod2g also thanked planetbeing for his help in escaping from the sandbox.

And greetings to @planetbeing for the coding + research. Really great stuff to escape from the sandbox.

Good news, that means that there is progress and we might see utility sometime this month.

a5 jail 2 Saurik makes contribution towards iPad 2 and iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak

Pod2g has also addressed the request that the untethered jailbreak be released to developers. He previously revealed that there is a working jailbreak that requires a developer account.

Sorry, we can’t release the A5 for the developers, the exploit used have to be kept secret. I know this is unfair.

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