IPod Touch | Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad - Part 22 Skip to content

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

новости про джейлбрейк iPhone, iPod Touch и iPad


Tag: iPod Touch

xpwn xpwn 0.3 sources are now up

The development sources for xpwn 0.3, the firmware 2.0 version of our cross-platform jailbreaking library/command-line utility have been pushed onto github. DevTeam tested it on Linux, Windows XP, and Windows Vista for both the iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G thus far, but since it uses the same FirmwareBundles files as PwnageTool, and we know those work for the iPod touch, there ought not be any problems.

Being a suite of command-line utilities, this release is meant primarily for developers. While you can certainly jailbreak (both 3G and first-gen) and unlock (first-gen) with it, it’s not really something you want to try without reading the lengthy, detailed README. If you don’t have the patience to do that, this release is not for you.

For users this news mean that quite soon there will be a new version of winpwn, supporting 2.0.

pwnage 20

Now older IPhone users users can upgrade to firmware 2.0 and IPhone 3G users have a possibility to have jailbreaked IPhones. That is because PwnageTool 2.0 is released today. Download links are: mirror1, mirror2, mirror3.

Just a reminder: this tool jailbreaks and unlocks older iPhones, and jailbreaks iPhone 3Gs and iPod Touches. No unlock for Iphone 3G yet. The supported firmware is 2.0 only. Platform is Mac OS.

If you get Error 1600 from iTunes (or if you see in your log a failure to repare x12220000_4_Recovery.ipsw), try: mkdir “~/Library/iTunes/Device Support” ;  if that directory already exists, remove any files in it.  Then re-run PwnageTool.

Reminder: as of right now, there are no apps out for 2.0. Over the next few days some will come out. So do not update yet if you have some favorite 1.1.x apps you are using! 2.0 will not run 1.1.4 apps

UPDATE: version 2.0.1 is avaliable