Tethered | Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad - Part 12 Skip to content

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

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Tag: tethered

Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 with sn0wbreeze, redsn0w, pwnagetool and absenthe:

iphone4s Tutorials for iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak iPhone 4S

UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.0 / iOS 5.0.1:

iphone 4 s Tutorials for iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak iPhone 4

UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1:

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redsn0w 0919b3 330x400 New versions of RedSn0w and Corona released

Совместными усилиями хакеры выпустили новую версию утилиты для отвязанного джейлбрейка прошивки iOS 5.0.1RedSn0w 0.9.10b3. Исправлены ошибки, связанные с работой launchctl и MobileSubstrate. Аналогичные обновления были интегрированы и в пакет Corona.

Если у вас после отвязки джейлбрейка возникли проблемы при работе некоторых приложений или выскакивали ошибки, мы рекомендуем обновить Corona или заново запустить RedSn0w (можно поверх старого джейлбрейка, при этом необходимо убрать галку с Install Cydia).

Скачать RedSn0w 0.9.10b3 можно здесь. Обновление Corona доступно в Cydia.

Untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 has already been released. While there is no reason not to update to iOS 5.0.1, there might be some users who would like to stay on iOS 5 and have untethered jailbreak there too.

Famous hacker Joshua Hill (nickname p0sixninja) has recently posted via twitter that an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5 will be released soon after testing.

@p0sixninja: 5.0 untether will be coming soon, we still have some testing and bugs to work out

ios5 untether iOS 5 untethered jailbreak will be released a bit later

redsn0w 0 9 10 b1 325x400 How to install untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak  How to install untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak

Untethered jailbreak is available for iOS 5.0.1 firmware on iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G.

1. If you’re already on iOS 5.0.1 with a tethered jailbreak, you have two even choices:

  1. Run redsn0w 0.9.10 over your current jailbreak (deselect “Install Cydia”)
  2. Install the Cydia package prepared by the chronic devteam. It is called Corona 5.0.1 Untether. (tutorial)

2. If you are not on 5.0.1 yet, update now! If you unlock via ultrasn0w or gevey, make sure you update to 5.0.1 via a custom IPSW! See our guides for sn0wbreeze here. Once you’re at 5.0.1, use the latest redsn0w 0.9.10 to both jailbreak and untether.

You can download RedSn0w 0.9.10b1 here.

Our step-by-step tutorials for untethered jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.10:

pwned Untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 released

Great news!!! Much anticipated untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 released.

We will publish details shortly!

UPDATE: How to use untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak

jailbreak 500x373 Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1: news and updates

Hacker pod2g is currently busy working on iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak. He has recently posted an interesting update:

The jailbreak is near ready for prime time (excluding 4S and iPad 2).

For now the jailbreak is tested on all devices, including iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. iPad 2 and iPhone 4S status is “work in progress”.

pod2g has also published a new video demo of iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4:


Pod2g has recently announced that he has successfully performed an untethered jailbreak on an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1.

Got an untethered iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1. Feel free to update.

Of course, if you want to SIM unlock, don’t update using Apple’s original FW nor update OTA.

This means jailbreakers can update to iOS 5.0.1. Previously it was recommended to stay on iOS 5. Unlockers as usual should stay away from Apple’s firmwares and from iOS 5.0.1.

We strongly recommend that everyone use TinyUmbrella to save their iOS 5.0.1 SHSH Blobs.

Pod2g writes in his blog, that next devices he will try to untehter jailbreak are iPod 3G, iPod 4G and iPad 1.

iphone4 untethered jailbreak Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 4 with iOS 5.0.1 is possible

Chronic Dev Team is almost done with a much anticipated untethered jailbreak for iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1. Team member and French hacker pod2g just released a video showing off the jailbreak. It looks to be near-complete and functioning properly. Take a look:

pod2g even created a blog, where he plans to post the most recent news about his progress:

Today I succeed in jailbreaking my iPod 3G. The exploit is user-land, rely on a user ROP payload and a kernel write anywhere exploit.

I can’t give much details right now, but here are the next steps :
- upgrade the iPod 3G to iOS 5.0.1
- do the same on iPhone 4 / iOS 5.0.1
- then iPad 1 & iPod 4G

At every step, the exploit code needs certainly to be reworked, but I really don’t know right now. Next, I’ll return to the research for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. I don’t know if I gonna release first for other devices or not. I’ve to think about it. Feel free to give your opinion.

crashreporter Chronic Dev Team Releases CrashReporter for Windows

The Chronic Dev-Team has released CDevReporter, their new tool that lets you help find jailbreak vulnerabilities, for Windows.

You can download the Mac and Windows versions of CDevReporter here:

More information is available in our recent post “Want untethered iOS 5 jailbreak? Help hackers to find new exploits!“.

crash reporter Want untethered iOS 5 jailbreak? Help hackers to find new exploits!

Semi-tethered jailbreak is already available for some devices for both iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1. But we all want untethered jailbreak and we want jailbreak for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. So why not help hackers to find new exploits and vulnerabilities?

The Chronic Dev-Team has a released a tool to collect crash reports from iOS devices in order to find vulnerabilities that could lead to an untethered jailbreak.

The idea is very simple. When your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch crashes it sends data to Apple (you can turn it this off though). Apple uses these reports to update iOS in the future. By the way, it also uses them to fix exploits found by jailbreakers. P0sixninja says that Apple closed several exploits they have found in IOS 5 beta before the final version of the software was released.

In order to find more vulnerabilities as fast as possible, the team has developed a tool which will copy the crash reports from your device and analyze them to locate potential exploits. The tool will also remove the crash reports from your device and modify your iTunes installation to prevent uploading of that diagnostic information to Apple.

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