Unlock & Jailbreak | Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad - Part 34 Skip to content

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

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Category: Unlock & Jailbreak

iOS4.14.2Jailbreak 200x300 Comex Wont Release iOS 4.1 Jailbreak

Only a few days passed since Dev Team has confirmed that Comex will try to jailbreak iOS 4.1, using other exploit. However, according to the response received on Twitter, it became known that Comex may not take part in the new iOS 4.x jailbreak.

Comex replied to the message on Twitter in such a way: “ariif, the next jailbreak might not be from me :) ”.

Of course, it does not mean that Comex leaves the scene and would not take part in jailbreaking as Geohot, most likely it is only this version he isn’t planning to jailbreak. Nevertheless the smile in his reply certainly means something good…

iphone41jailbreak Jailbreak and Unlock for iOS 4.1 is possible

According to the latest tweets from different hackers (MuscleNerd, pod2g and others) the exploit for iOS 4.1 has been already discovered:

Works on 4.1 (!) iBSS iv=c2c5416472e5a0d6f0a25a123d5a2b1c key=1fbc7dcafaec21a150a51eb0eb99367550e24a077b128831b28c065e61f894a0

I just successfully updated to 4.1 without a baseband update. PLEASE wait for 4.1.0 TinyUmbrella!!!

Crazy timing that @pod2g got latest exploit just as 4.1 went public (lots of work left…keep away from 4.1 for now!)

congrats to @pod2g for the latest exploit and also @p0sixninja who have been trying for months.

This means that the jailbreak and unlock for iPhone and iPod Touch is possible. However please be patient and wait for the utilities.

iPhone4JailbreaMe2.0Star3 270x300 Try JailbreakMe.com!

Some users say that they have problems, while trying to use the JailbreakMe.com service. They simply can not browse the site! We decided to solve this issue, so you can unlock iPod touches, iPads and iPhones. Follow these instructions to achieve a positive result!

Step 1: Instead of typing http://www.jailbreakme.com, enter http://jailbreakme.com/index.html, it will take you directly to the site that really works.

Step 2: If the above does not work, use the Canadian extension as follows http://www.jailbreakme.ca. App Advice claims that it is a mirror redirecting you to the current website version.

In addition, remember that JailbreakMe will work only on your Apple devices, running on iOS 3.2.1/iOS 4.0.1 or below.

iphonejailbreak 300x197 China Unicom Advertises Jailbreaking and Provides Free Cases with PurchaseAccording to the first-hand information in China, China Unicom is currently advertising services for jailbreaking when you buy the iPhone 4. Quite intriguing, right? Thanks to online services such as Jailbreakme.com, jailbreaking has become much easier and it seems that the Chinese carrier of cell phones can realize this service, turning it into a great marketing scheme.

According M.I.C. Gadget, the advertisement is as follows: “Support Service: Free SIM-trimming, jailbreaking, installing more than ten hot applications.”

However, with jailbreaking, China Unicom also offers free cases for your iPhone 4 with purchase, so buyers will not have to use the Apple’s case program.

JustinLongJailbrokeniPhone 300x184 Justin Long Has a Jailbroken iPhone During Jimmy Kimmel’s live show Justin Long picked up his iPhone to share some interesting SMS he had. Meanwhile he also showed Cydia on his iPhone’s main screen. For those of you who do not know anything about this man, Justin Long is the very guy who starred in the most popular and successful commercials called “Get a Mac” by Apple, which appeared between 2006-2009 years.

Now that he no longer works with Apple, he is not afraid to break the rules of his former employer. By the way, today jailbreaking is fully legal in the USA, is not it?

iOS4.0.2Jailbreak 247x300 Jailbreak an iOS 4.0.2 iPhone 3GS with PwnageToolHave you already updated your device to the version iOS4 and want to unlock your 3GS? Firstly there was Redsn0w, now PwnageTool is available, which can easily help you. Here is a simple and easy course for jailbreaking of your device. Warning: this is not an official release and therefore may be some bugs that can destroy your device or delete some important information. So be careful while using it!

iphone activate HowTo activate iPhone without original SIM card

Having problems activating your iPhone? Don’t have original SIM-card? Cannot get passed emergency unlock screen? We have a solution:

If you have iPhone 3G, just use redsn0w to jailbreak and hactivate. If you have iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 follow these instructions:

If you are already Jailbroken:

So you have an iPhone with iOS 4.0, but don’t have the original SIM and stuck on the Emergency Call Screen:

  1. Download ifunbox software (download link)
  2. Run ifunbox software and sync with phone
  3. Go to /private/var/root/Library/, delete original lockdown folder and put this lockdown folder after you extract it from the zip file
  4. Restart phone

If you are not jailbroken

Sherif Hashim discovered that you can activate your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or even iPhone 3G without the original carrier SIM card. You need a “phonebook sim card” or 02 simcard. You can buy these type of sim at radioshack, bestbuy or other mobile electronics store (for example here).

Once you get passed the Emergency Call screen, connect to Wifi, jailbreak using JailbreakMe.com and unlock using ultrasn0w. Once that is complete you should be passed activation and unlocked (able to use any sim). If you get a different simcard error, do the following final step:

  1. Download ifunbox software (download link)
  2. Run ifunbox software and sync with phone
  3. Go to /private/var/root/Library/, delete original lockdown folder and put this lockdown folder after you extract it from the zip file
  4. Restart phone

If you have itunes invalid response problem:

  1. Connect to wifi and ssh to your phone (via winscp, putty, terminal, etc).
  2. Navigate to your lockdown folder (/private/var/root/Library/).
  3. Delete pair_records folder
  4. Reconnect the cable and see that your invalid response problem is gone.

If you bought your iPhone 4 on ebay you will need the official sim (at&t) or a universal sim, like ones you can grab at bestbuy for $10 this will get you passed Emergency Screen.

via jailbreakmatrix and gsmhosting

cnet jailbreak CNet Video: HowTo Jailbreak iPhone and turn on FaceTime over 3G

CNet specialists will show how to jailbreak using jailbreakme.com and how to turn on FaceTime over 3G (out tutorial is available here):

ipad jailbreak Users continue iPhone 4 and iPad jailbreaking in Apple Stores

That was funny when people started jailbreaking iPhone’s inside Apple Stores. The fun ended because stores started banning jailbreakme.com from their WiFi networks. Well, it looks like it didn’t help.

One Apple fan published a video where he jailbreaks iPad by using his Nexus One’s mobile hotspot capabilities. Take a look at the video after the break:

Some time ago users started to jailbreak iPhones in Apple Store. It appears that Apple banned JailBreakMe.com on any device at Apple Stores through DNS forward to Apple.com.

Here are some comments from Twitter:

tweet1 Apple Stores block JailBreakMe.com

tweet2 Apple Stores block JailBreakMe.com

tweet3 Apple Stores block JailBreakMe.com

tweet4 Apple Stores block JailBreakMe.com

It actually makes sense, since restoring devices all the time is painful.