Unlock & Jailbreak | Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad - Part 35 Skip to content

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

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Category: Unlock & Jailbreak

pdf exploit Howto secure iPhone iOS: PDF exploit fix

There is a big a security hole in iPhone iOS. The device is insecure in a big and obvious way. You should be extremely careful of what sites you visit.

The FlateDecode vulnerability can be used when a PDF File is embedded within a Web page. Basically Safari tries to parse the PDF. And when it does it executes some code. Hackers can use this exploit to read and write iPhone data, get your contacts, sms, even delete something. So they can get all kinds to access your personal information stored on your iOS device.

Apple will fix it some day. Until then you need to take care of your iPhone security. There is a fix for that. It is available via Cydia for jailbroken devices. So you need to jailbreak in order to secure (funny isn’t it?).

pdfloadingwarner Howto secure iPhone iOS: PDF exploit fix

Will Strafach has released the fix as a Cydia-based package called “PDF Loading Warner.” Simply download and install the package. Every time Mobile Safari attempts to download and parse a PDF you will get the following message:

500x pdf dialog Howto secure iPhone iOS: PDF exploit fix

Now you can control, where to accept PDF (as not all of them are made by hackers) and where to select cancel.

jailbreak appstore1 Jailbreaking the iPhone 4 at the Apple Store video

Jailbreaking an iPhone 4 is easy. Jailbreaking at an Apple retail store is fun. One of the users did that and captured everything on video. Take a look at the video:

Here’s an interesting video from MuscleNerd, who jailbreaks an iPad using JailBreakMe in a plane (over New Mexico via “Gogo Inflight Internet” wifi). Nice!!

Many users reported that the first version of JailbreakMe broke the FaceTime and MMS features. The DevTeam fixed the bug.

New JailbreakMe users should simply proceed normally. The new version will not remove FaceTime or MMS from the iPhone.

Users who already installed JailbreakMe can get an easy fix. They should simply run Cydia and upgrade to the latest software.

comex JailbreakMe issue with FaceTime and MMS is fixed

jailbreakme2 266x400 Jailbreaking iPhone 4 with JailBreakMe (video)

Here is the quick 1 minute video of JailBreakMe working on an iPhone 4:

jailbreakme JailBreakMe on an iPhone 3G video

Here is the video of recently released universal safari jailbreak called JailBreakMe working on an iPhone 3G:

 New Jailbreak for iOS Devices is Browser Based

Starting today every owner of iPad, iPhone or iPod can easily jailbreak his device via browser on http://jailbreakme.com/

The site was created in a week after decision of the Library of Congress (that operates the Copyright Office), which states that jailbreaking isn’t illegal, though Apple claims it actually represents a threat to the stability and security of the company’s devices. Apple also says that jailbreaking voids the warranty, but such an action can be easily undone by resetting a device to the default factory settings.

Site JailbreakMe.com easily became a trending topic in Twitter after its announcement on RedmondPie.com. The jailbreak itself was created by hacker comex, and the website was done by chpwn and westbaer.

pwned RedSn0w is able to jailbreak iOS 4.1 beta 2

MuscleNerd tweeted today that the recent redsn0w utility is able to jailbreak the iOS 4.1 beta2 on iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G. This is useful for developers only, however good news for everyone.

Here’s some info from the DevTeam wiki page:

If you’ve updated to 4.1beta2 on iPhone3G or iPod2G(non-MC), you can use this redsn0w from June to jailbreak. Just point it at the 4.0 IPSW (the public one, not the developer GM one).

(Yes – point it at the 4.0 IPSW even though you’re at 4.1beta2).

Don’t do this if you need the ultrasn0w carrier unlock!!

Note 1: This won’t hacktivate your iPhone3G – but for those with legit access to the 4.1beta2 this shouldn’t matter. Please don’t pirate Apple software

Note 2: If you’re at 4.1beta2 you’ll probably experience network problems after jailbreaking. Until a new version of redsn0w is released, you may need to rely on afc2 access (such as FunBox-like file browser programs) to manipulate your filesystem.

Note 3: This is recommended only for power users who can deal with the problems that will pop up as the JB apps fall further behind the beta firmwares.

musclenerd MuscleNerd: iPhone 4 jailbreak+unlock not today

MuscleNerd, hacker from DevTeam, commented via twitter on recent rumors that universal jailbreak (all iPhones and all firmwares, including iPhone 4 and iOS 4.0.1) will be released today. The basic answer is no, there will be no jailbreak today.

Not to make it a daily thing, but since somehow people thought it would be today: the new JB+unlock won’t be out today

(there are issues with important apps like Facetime that need to be figured out…no sense releasing a half-broken JB)

Jay Freeman, better known as Saurik, the creator of Cydia, was interviewed by the home radio Make It Work. He speaks about the history and the future of the iPhone jailbreak.

saurik interview 400x222 Saurik talks about the iPhone jailbreak

Saurik describes the origins of Jailbreak and Unlock for the very first model of the iPhone. Jay explains that initially there were two important things to do with the iPhone 2G -- to use other carrier than AT&T and to install any application.

He continues discussing the main applications from Cydia. Cycorder was the first to allow video recording, and Winterboard was the only one that allowed users to change the graphical interface of the iPhone. He also speaks about Comex, the hacker who is currently working with the Dev Team for releasing and Unlock for the iPhone 4. According to Saurik the tool is still not ready to be released to the public due to severe bugs in the code. Here the second part: