приложения | Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad - Part 6 Skip to content

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

новости про джейлбрейк iPhone, iPod Touch и iPad


Tag: приложения

The number of jailbreak utilities for iPhones and iPod Touches with the latest iBoot is dramatically increasing. All of them are FAKE. Some of them will fill your computer with viruses, which is not good.

gull1hack, spartanbr3ak, br0k3n_appl3 are just some of these new programs that in one way or another deceive the user and then run malicious code. We therefore ask you to stay away from ANY such software. Some time in the future GeoHot or DevTeam will release new jailbreak and unlock software. Other than that is fake and dangerous. Install only programs you trust or the ones recommended by iPhoneRoot.

Here is a twitter comment from DevTeam:
iph dev fake jb Attention: fake jailbreak utilities might have viruses

sn0wbreeze Sn0wbreeze 1.5.1: minor update of Windows application to perform firmware 3.1.3 jailbreak

iH8sn0w released a new version of Sn0wbreeze, the Windows tool that allows to jailbreak the newest firmware 3.1.3. This is a small update that addresses several problems with YouTube.

You can download the new version of sn0wbreeze from here.

We still recommend to use DevTeam utilities – redsn0w (Windows and MAC OS) and pwnagetool (MAC OS only).

Defensive By Design

It is known, that iPad has a restrictive DRM shackles, which makes Apple the only available supplier of software for this device. So if you buy an iPad, you will have to download software only from the Apple’s AppStore. Yes, there is a big possibility of jailbreaking the gadget within the first 48 hours after its shipping since it’s based on the already jailbroken OS iPhone, but still this is not the best way of downloading applications for most of the people.

There are people, who disagree with a DRM-based strategy of software distribution. Some of them created an Anti-DRM group named Defective by Design. They told us they created an online petition that has been signed for 8,800 times since its inception 4 days ago. DbD has already sent off their first 5,000 signatures in the form of a giant postcard, which is in the photo above.

DbD’s operations manager John Sullivan says their main target is to get Apple to remove DRM and DRM enforcement from all its media and software. This is especially valuable for the iPad designed to be widely used by non-technical people who might not be aware of DRM.

- What Apple is doing with software is quite different. This is a scary step … as Apple move towards this model in the future,

said Sullivan.

Sn0wbreeze, the famous tool for Windows, will be released towards the end of this week. Sn0wbreeze is the software that will allow users to create custom firmwares to use for jailbreak and unlock. Now this functionality is available for Mac OS usera with PwnageTool.

nfs shift 400x266 NFS Shift Money Patch: Cydia tweak to get a lot of money

Need For Speed Shift is a wonderful game that recently appeared in AppStore. Many users want to customize and enhance their cars, but they need a lot of money for that. Now users of jailbreaked iPhones can use a money patch from Cydia, that will solve this problem with $6 000 000.

The steps to install the patch are very simple and fast:

  • open Cydia and add еру repository http://repo.beyouriphone.com
  • after refresh install Need For Speed Shift $ 6M Cheat!
  • start the game and we enjoy all the money available!

Have fun!

iPhoneFolders iPhone Folder: an application to browse iPhone in Windows Explorer

iPhone Folders is a Windows Explorer extension that allows you to browse contents of your iPhone or iPod Touch like a regular removable drive. After installation you’ll find it in My Computer folder.

Using this extension you can browse your phone filesystem, copy files to and from it, open files directly from iPhone, create shortcuts to folders on iPhone. In thumbnail mode program will display previews of png and jpg files on phone, application icons for installed applications (.app folders).

Compatible with x86 editions of Windows XP, Vista, 7 and x64 editions of Windows XP and Vista. Requires iTunes 8 or 9 for normal operation. Supports jailbroken and non-jailbroken phones (in the later case filesystem access is limited to Media folder).

You can download iPhone Folders version 1.0.31 here.

We have seen a video from Verizon named iDon’t and an ansfer from iPhone fans – the video named iDon’t Care. Here’s a new one, called iCan. It describes what a jailbreaked iPhone can do:

Here is the list of apps for that:

  • Can be customized: using Winterboard
  • I can run applications simultaneously: thanks to Backgrounder and Kirikae
  • I can always use the tethering: thanks to the tweaks available in Cydia
  • I call with Skype on 3G network: using VoiceOver3G or 3GUnrestrictor
  • Support an open development: with applications to be released via Cydia

Nice, isn’t it?

piracy 400x300 App Piracy on the iPhone statistics

Pinch Media has shared some data they presented at 360iDev on the state of app piracy on the iPhone, and there are a few key take-aways:

  • These analytics show roughly 4 million jailbreak devices, 38% of which are using pirated app(s) (aka cracked apps).
  • Piracy is highest in China, Russia, and Brazil, with Europe and Canada being the mid-ground, and the USA, Great Britain, and Japan having the lowest rates.
  • Of paid apps that use Pinch Media’s services, 60% have been pirated.
  • Of those pirated apps, 34% of all installs are the pirated version.
  • Like legitimate app downloads, pirated apps are used a lot at first, but drop off quickly (more quickly than legitimate app usage, in fact).
  • Pirated apps on jailbroken iPhones crash more, which may be why they’re used less.
  • Those who claim to use pirated apps as a way to “try before they buy” are full of it. While 7.4% of legitimate “Lite” app downloads up-convert to the paid version, only 0.43% of pirated apps lead to purchase of the legitimate paid version.

You can read the full report for all the details.

via theiphoneblog

admob Only 23% of devices were updated to firmware 3.1

AdMob, a company that supplies advertising services for iPhone developers, says that between September 15th and 22nd only 23% of devices were updated to iPhone OS 3.1. This counts only devices that run apps with AdMob ads.

Some more statistics: 51% are still running OS 3.0, and 19% are still running v2.2.1, while 7% are still running v2.0 or earlier.

The reasons, as always, are very different. The update for the iPod Touch costs money, there are problems with internet tethering in 3.1, there is no firmware 3.1 jailbreak tool for Windows and it is impossible to jailbreak iPhone 3GS.

Have you perfomed the upgrade or not? Please, leave a comment why.

via iphonealley

Action Menu is a new utility that extends traditional Copy / Paste functionality. You can now “Copy All” or add text to a stack (”Favorites”) that allows you to paste phrases frequently at any time and in any application.

 Action Menu: Add New features to iPhones Copy / Paste [Cydia]  Action Menu: Add New features to iPhones Copy / Paste [Cydia]  Action Menu: Add New features to iPhones Copy / Paste [Cydia]

The application is free but you can also buy an extension pack (costs $2.99) which will add new features, such as:

  • History: keep the history of all copied sentences / words / numbers;
  • Lookup: find online matches for phone numbers and words, using Google Search, Wikipedia, Dictionary, and Google Translate;
  • Tweet: send selected text through a Twitter client installed on your iPhone (currently support Tweetie, Twitterific, Twittelator and TwitterFon).

We found this utility quite useful. It can be installed via Cydia on a jailbreaked iPhone (iPod Touch).