приложения | Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad - Part 7 Skip to content

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

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3.0.1 jailbreak Firmware 3.0.1 jailbreak

Good news is that you can still use redsn0w 0.8 to jailbreak firmware 3.0.1. Here’s the step-by-step plan:

  1. Download both firmware 3.0 and firmware 3.0.1 (link).
  2. Download redsn0w 0.8 (link).
  3. Update or restore to official 3.0.1 in iTunes.
  4. Run redsn0w.
  5. When redsn0w asks you to identify the IPSW used, point it at the 3.0 IPSW instead of the 3.0.1 one.
  6. Follow the instructions.
  7. After the jailbreak, reinstall ultrasn0w 0.9 if you need the unlock.

redsn0w 375x400 Firmware 3.0 jailbreak: RedSn0w for iPhone and iPod Touch

RedSn0w is an easy to use, multi-platform, multi-device jailbreaking and unlocking (iPhone 2G only) tool from DevTeam. It supports firmware 3.0 and iPhone 2G (original iPhone), the iPhone 3G (but not the 3GS) and also the iPod touch (first and second generation):

  • iPhone 2G – jailbreak and unlock
  • iPhone 3G – only jailbreak, use only with official unlocked iPhones (UPDATE: unlock is avaliable)
  • iPod Touch – jailbreak
  • iPod Touch 2G – jailbreak
  • iPod Touch 3GS – not supported (UPDATE: is supported by version 0.8)

Currently it is available for Windows and Mac OS X. The tool works just like QuickPwn. If you want to build custom firmware files with more flexibility it is suggested that you use PwnageTool on Mac OS X.

  1. GOLDEN RULE: If you are using a 3G iPhone with yellowsn0w and rely on yellowsn0w to obtain cellular service, then you should NOT use redsn0w right now. Ultrasn0w (the 3G carrier unlock) is not included with this release and therefore your baseband will be locked and unable to use an operator other than the official one it was bought for. UltraSn0w will be released via APT (cydia and icy) soon. If you have an original iPhone (1st generation) then 3.0 carrier unlock works with this redsn0w release.
  2. Yellowsn0w in its current form will NOT work with the baseband version that is present in the 3.0 update, you will need Ultrasn0w, which will be released sometime soon (update: released), Ultrasn0w will work with all iPhone 3G models (but not 3GS), even ones that were previously unlockable, Ultrasn0w will be released via APT (this means you will be able to get it via Cydia or Icy).
  3. Please read all parts of this post before downloading and using these tools.
  4. Read items 1, 2 and 3 again and again.
  5. At the bottom of this post are the bittorrent files for the latest version of redsn0w.
  6. This app is suitable for the recent 3.0 release
  7. redsn0w will NOT work for the iPhone 3GS.
  8. redsn0w WILL work for Original iPhone (1st Generation), Original iPod touch, iPod touch 2G and the iPhone 3G (not the iPhone 3GS).

To use redsn0w simply upgrade the device in iTunes to firmware version 3.0 and run redsn0w to activate and jailbreak the device (and if you are using an original iPhone 2G, it will unlock it too!)

You can donwload RedSn0w 0.7 here.

AppStore and iTunes are great. But when we want other useful apps we jailbreak and run Cydia. Some use Installer, others prefer Icy. Here is a demonstration of new app to install 3-rd party apps called Kryptes:

jailbreak skype Skype crashes on jailbraked iPhones

If you have jailbreaked iPhone your Skype app may crash. Here is what we know so far:

  • If Skype crashes when trying to input text: Disable both Clippy (Use SBSettings toggle) and any custom Winterboard sounds relating to the keyboard tick (tock.aiff).
  • If Skype crashes within 1 minute of having the app open: Update app called mobile substrate in Cydia. Uninstalling mobile substrate also fixes the problem, but you will lose features such as winterboard and sbsettings.

UPDATE: Many users report that Skype works fine with the latest version of Clippy (0.98-2) without the need to turn the latter off.

img 0154 266x400 Clippy updated to 0.97 2 [Cydia]

Clippy is an iPhone addition from Cydia for copy/paste functionality. It was updated to version 0.97-2. The main bug that was fixes is a crash of different applications such as Notes, Safari, Mail and others where the animation was drawn. New version also added a language pack, improved the animation of the menu, full support for selecting editable text in web views, themes support and a lot more.

Avaliable via Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones.

Full changelog for 0.97 updates:

Read the rest of this entry »

iphonepaper iPhones Wallpaper with notes and calendar events [AppStore, Free]

Wallpaper Labeler (AppStore link) and gCalWall Lite (AppStore link) let you add appointments and notes to the home screen. With Wallpaper Labeler, you can enter any text you want to your wallpaper, so you can leave yourself (or whoever finds your phone) notes. The other app, gCalWall, pulls down upcoming appointments from your default Google Calendar and splays them all over your home screen. You have to update it manually, which is kind of a drag, but the dev says that iPhone API won’t allow for automatic updating. Both apps are free :-)

In the past you could only use Intelliscreen paid app on a jailbreaked iPhone.

via gizmodo, lifehacker

xgps Finally available xGPS 1.2 [Cydia]

The new version of xGPS is finally out. Avaliable in Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones. The biggest improvement of this version, as you know, is the support for the voice instructions.

img 0136 Finally available xGPS 1.2 [Cydia] img 0137 Finally available xGPS 1.2 [Cydia]

You can watch the video of this app here and here.

emojifun Enable Emoji for free via AppStore App

Emoji, emoticons and pictorial characters popular in the Japanese instant messaging culture, were introduced to Japanese customers as part of the iPhone 2.2 Firmware update, but have required workarounds to be enabled for non-Japanese users. There are many solutins to turn Emiji Icons (Get Emoji Icons for free), but the easy one required jailbreaking. Recently Apple approved an application that simplifies this process. App is called EmotiFun and it is free (AppStore link).

Everything is simple: get app, run it, exit and go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable.

emmoji 266x400 Enable Emoji for free via AppStore App

ui iFunBox updated to v0.7.224.86
I use iFunBox a lot. This is a very useful utility for jailbreaked iPhones. Recently it was updated to version Here is a download link.
What’s New:
1. Thumbnail view supported for wallpapers, camera and all other folders.
2. Support Symlink for the filesystem of firmware 2.0. All .app can be listed in Application folder.
3. Downloading music and movie from iPhone with filename encoded with album name and artist name.
4. Support E-Books, converting plain text to UTF-16 automatically.
5. Support Book Shelf, converting plain text to UTF-8 automatically.

Uploading music and movie to iPhone is now disabled on devices with firmware 2.x.

This application is developed by Jay Freeman, the creator of the Cydia. Veency is a free app that allows iPhone owners to remotely control their iPhone from PC or Mac desktop via a VNC client.

Here are some of the features:

  • Launch applications on your iPhone
  • Reply to emails, text messages, and more
  • Rearrange icons
  • Lock/Unlock your iPhone
  • Browse through Photos and Contacts

Of course you cannot do two finger gestures with this app. All other actions can be done with the click of your mouse. The only area in which Veency fails tragically at is when opening any video recording application on the iPhone.

This application is avaliable for jailbreaked iPhones via Cydia installer.

Be sure to restart your iPhone after installing Veency and connect to the server using a Wi-Fi connection. We recommend using UltraVNC or TightVNC to connect your Windows desktop. If you’re using a Mac, we recommend Chicken VNC.

Here is a video demonstration:

via readwriteweb